Episode 59: How Perfectionism Impedes Your Wellness Journey


Wellness is not about being “perfect” all the time, it's about finding sustainable balance in your life. Today we’re talking about this concept of rigidity when it comes to your wellness, why this isn’t good (or productive) for you, and how to stay on track for long-term success with your health goals.

In this episode you get our original strategies for countering perfectionism, born from experience, as we share personal stories. We’ll help you notice the red flags and course-correct before unhealthy behaviors take root and become “bad habits”. Listen now to keep moving forward. Live another day; learn another day; love another day!


Get in touch by emailing us at sfowpodcast@gmail.com

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Follow Kaelynn on Instagram @coaching_with_kae

Follow Kit on Instagram @breathe.relax.trust

Thank you to Nick Serena, from Handsomebeast, for our theme music!


Episode 60: Top 5 Wellness Reads


Episode 58: Mental Health, the Conversation Continues