
Anxiety, Mindfulness, Seasonal Wellness Kaelynn Serena Stanton Anxiety, Mindfulness, Seasonal Wellness Kaelynn Serena Stanton

Episode 109: More Organization, Less Anxiety

Today we’re talking about getting organized, because clutter and mess are linked to negative emotions like confusion, tension, and irritability while an organized environment tends to produce positive emotions like calmness and a sense of well-being. An organized space helps you have an organized mind. An organized mind helps keep anxiety at bay.

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Anxiety Kaelynn Serena Stanton Anxiety Kaelynn Serena Stanton

Episode 85: How To Stop Worrying

Do you over-plan, over-think, and give waaaayy too much energy to things that really don’t matter all that much? Does your perfectionism prevent you from finishing (or even starting!) tasks? Do you identify as someone who struggles with anxiety? This episode is for you!

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