Episode 135: Mentally Checked Out? Here’s Help!
Fall is a time in the wellness space when you’ll hear the term “grounded” a lot. But how can we actually enact that? How do we get grounded? And what’s the wellness benefit?
Episode 108: Healing Tools From Mother Nature
Are you feeling overwhelmed lately, but you’re not sure why? Are there just too many items on your to-do list, that you could never get it all done? Today we’re inspired by nature to calm down and take things one step at a time.
Episode 101: Overcoming Self- Sabotage
Have you ever found yourself working toward an important goal, something you had the will & ability to accomplish, only to spectacularly fail because you got in your own way?
Episode 100: What It Means To Live Soulfully
TODAY marks our 100th episode! (Cue celebratory music!) In honor of our podcasting milestone we thought this would be the perfect opportunity to chat about what being SOULFULL means to us!
Episode 99: Winter Grey’s: How to Uplift Your Vibe Right Now
In today’s episode, the coaches give you several NEW tips on how to rebalance your energy and re-energize your life when your vibe is off-balance or you're feeling less than your Soulfull best.
Episode 78: Seasonal Wellness: Letting Go in Fall
Your physical health directly impacts your mental health. We’re going back to basics as we transition from summer to fall. It’s time to check in, how are your wellness habits lately? That’s a big question. Today we’ll break it down for you.
Episode 63: Embracing the Energy of Summer
Today we are sharing a relaxing and inspiring seasonal summer meditation from the Chopra website, written by Tris Thorp. Kickstart and embrace the energy of this nutritious and lively season with us with this meditation! Get ready to nurture yourself, as you tune in and connect with the upcoming season.
Episode 50! Spring Forward: The Natural Antidote to S.A.D
Winter grays got you down? There's a name for that: Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as S.A.D. And with the added stress, loneliness, and stagnant nature of the pandemic, this might have been one of the SADdest seasons ever. But there's good news: SPRING IS COMING! This week your coaches talk tools and strategies to get you out of your winter funk, off the sofa & moving, and out into the glorious, warm sunshine.
Episode 46: Winter Wellness Lessons From Nature
What can we learn from winter? This week the coaches present their “psychology” episode when they dig deep into some powerful questions after receiving a personal message from Mother Nature. Spoiler alert: she wasn’t thrilled with the one-note way they described her last week. Message heeded, lessons learned & shared! So it all works out in the end. Enjoy!